Charmaine R.S Manyani
PhD student
Project title: From Livestock to Game Farming: Farmers’ understandings of land-use changes, sustainable agriculture, and biodiversity conservation in the Ubuntu Municipality, South Africa
Charmaine successfully defended her dissertation in December 2019. It explores the shift from livestock to game farming in the Ubuntu Local Municipality in the Northern Cape Province (around the town of Victoria West) and the understandings of both large-scale commercial farmers and small-scale farmers of what this land-use change means for farming and why it is happening. Her dissertation can be accessed via the Research Outputs page.
Charmaine completed both her undergraduate studies and an Honours degree in administration at the University of Zimbabwe, the latter in 2006, followed by a diploma in Personnel Management at the Institute of Personnel Management in Zimbabwe in 2008. Charmaine was awarded her MA in Development Studies at the Institute for Social Studies (ISS) of the University of Erasmus Rotterdam in the Hague in 2011, with a thesis titled “Crisis Does Not Spell The End. The peasantry during a decade of economic decline in Zimbabwe. A case of Gwanda South”.
Keywords: Game farming; biodiversity conservation; sustainable agriculture; sustainable development; land reform; Karoo.